This project is maintained by rombue
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In my research, I have mainly been concerned with questions in the history and epistemology of logic, mathematics and computer science. I have worked on counting and counting notations, on logical identity and variables, on the history of early analytic philosophy and of the classical decision problem. My current project, Algorithms and Proofs as Sources of Understanding in Mathematics, aims at providing the basis for a general epistemology of algorithms. As a collaborator in the project Origins of Contemporary European Thought 1837–1938 at the University of Geneva, I am focussing on the philosophy of arithmetic in the Brentanian tradition, especially in Stumpf, Kerry, and Husserl.
I have also worked extensively on metaphysical problems in ancient Greek and medieval Latin philosophy, in particular while I was a collaborator in the project Realisms, which revolved around the problem of universals and the notion of metaphysical realism. At an early stage of my doctorate I had the opportunity to contribute to the monumental series Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie by compiling a complete bibliography of the works available to 12th century philosophers in an ideal library.
My publications and some unpublished writings are listed below. Further down you will also find a selection of talks I have given. You can best reach me here.
Über Beweis, Wahrheit und Gewissheit in der Mathematik
in Siegener Beiträge zur Geschichte und Philosophie der Mathematik 18/2024
Über Variablen und Entscheidbarkeit
PhD thesis, University of Zurich, 2023
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in A. Weiberg, S. Majetschak (eds.), Wittgenstein-Handbuch, Metzler 2022
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Wittgensteins neue Logik und Whiteheads universale Algebra
in B. Ritter, D. Sölch (eds.), Wittgenstein und die Philosophiegeschichte, Alber 2021
Ein Dialog über Zahlen und das Zählen
Identität und Tautologie bei Wittgenstein
in Wittgenstein-Studien 7/2016
Identität und Typentheorie bei Wittgenstein
in Wittgenstein-Studien 5/2014
Über das Zählen
Master thesis, University of Zurich 2014
Schrift und Notation
in Germanistik in der Schweiz 8/2011
Here is a selection of talks I have given. Where available, I have included links to programmes, abstracts and recordings:
2025 February 7
Legendre on the Distribution of Primes. A Case Study in the Art of Forming Mathematical Conjectures
Homotophy Type Theory Seminar,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
2024 July 5
Bemerkungen über die mathematische Praxis des Vermutens
RheWeSe – Rheinisch-Westfälisches Seminar,
University of Siegen
2024 May 14
Towards a Meinongian Semantics for Mathematical Discourse
OCET Lectures and Workshop Series: Austro-German Philosophy – Between Bolzano and the Vienna Circle,
University of Geneva
Programme (PDF)
2024 January 16
African Philosophy. Myth and Reality – P. J. Hountondji on the idea of philosophy in general and in Africa in particular
African Philosophy Reading Group,
University of Zurich (online)
2023 November 8
Intuitions and the Mathematical Practice of Conjecturing
Nancy-Liège Workshop on Mathematical Intuition,
University of Liège
Video (3:47:33-5:07:40)
2023 April 3
Remarks on the Semantics of Variables
Bologna-Bonn-Padova Work in Progress Seminar,
University of Bonn (online)
2022 May 9
On Variables and the Limits of Decision
Bologna-Bonn-Padova Work in Progress Seminar,
University of Bonn (online)
2021 September 16
Mathematics as Begriffsbildung. Remarks on Glock and Büttner on Wittgenstein
Symposium on the Philosophy of Hans-Johann Glock,
University of Zurich
2020 November 7
The Use of Letters As Variables Across the Boundaries of Logic and Mathematics
Zurich Doctoral Workshops – Ludwig Wittgenstein and German Philosophy,
University of Zurich
2019 April 6
How Whitehead Influenced Wittgenstein’s Thinking About Mathematics
Wittgenstein in the 21st Century – New Directions in the Study of Wittgenstein,
UC Berkeley
Video (day 3, part 1)
2019 August 6
Whitehead and Wittgenstein. On the Theory of Types, Symbolism, and Mathematics
41st International Wittgenstein Symposium 2018 – Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics,
Kirchberg am Wechsel
Abstract (PDF) (p. 4)
2018 September 14
Das Problem der Übersetzung philosophischer Texte
Translatio – Eine Tagung zur Übersetzung philosophischer Texte
aus dem lateinischen Mittelalter (mit Übersetzungswerkstatt),
University of Zurich
Programme (PDF)